
Showing posts from June, 2019

Life of an Introvert and What's the Cause

Climate Change and What Exactly Cause Them ?

A Day Full of Motivations to Recover from Most Weird Dream

Emotion Control of Immoralities

In The Darkest Path, Open Brightest Serum

Future Things need Future Thinking #ScienceDiary01

Korean Youtuber Who Lives and Know Two Countries' Histories

The World is Sicker than You Think

What You Should Do When You Got a Smartphone ?

What is Pronunciation ? And How Do We Doing it Better ?

Western Youtuber who Loves Indonesia

Travel Warning for Chinese going to US

Bryan Dechart Begin on Uncharted Game !

Huawei Disputes does not let down the Company

Cool Gamer with Decent Skills

Prologue - The Idea of Uniting the World

Welcome to Dynamic Future