Climate Change and What Exactly Cause Them ?

Ok, here is the thing, what I'm about to tell you maybe something close to Pseudo-Science since it can't be proven by current technologies. Climate Change, what we know so far huh ? Earthquakes everywhere, Floods everywhere, Scorching Heat everywhere. Everyone panicking started to blame the human cause this, well, I wouldn't say they're not part of this blame though. It's true, if human fixed the "inner cause" early, we may have a thicker Atmosphere in our Earth's Ozone layer. But that is just one small part.

What's the bigger cause ? I have observing a lot between Cloud's movement and Planet's movement at recent few years. What we don't know currently is what's the connection between cloud movement and climate change. Truthfully, Cloud is the one telling you the current situations of Sea level and Sea movement. I'm not talking about, "oh what's this, sea have legs ?" I know, I'm not that insane giving illogical explanation. No, cloud show us how is the condition of sea, apparently with the help of Wind of course. So, I can't really teach you guys how to read cloud movement, types or whatever involvement in details, but I can tell you whenever you see cloud is thick and wavy, see where the wind comes. And that is exactly where is the current sea condition shows on cloud. Kinda confuse, yes, I really hope I can briefly explain in a meeting or conference but I don't have financial for that.

I've seen by my own eyes, whenever cloud goes wavy, it means, sea are strong. and whenever cloud blurry, trust me that is the sign where heats coming. I've checked every single hour movement of the cloud, it's what exactly what I predicted. I saw blurry clouds in Singapore, I got overheat in Batam City. But this is just a small example, and furthermore, it is Pseudoscience, no proven explanation in-depth about it.

Now, goes to second part of big cause. Planet movement. What you realize about  this ? Nah....I don't think you guys care and doesn't think it involve in our climate. Well sucks part is, this thing maybe the core of the problem. Have you realized that every time news such as, "Eclipse happening of Moon", "Sun Eclipse happening", "Jupiter can be seen and gotten close to us at...", "Mars gotten close to us and easy to see from us...", the climate and Earth condition gotten weird after ? That is because they did !! Every time other Planet move close to us, yes I know maybe you guys think, "Oh but they million light years away from us !!" Well, did you know that Planets moving in Oval shape, which means, whenever they're at peak close, that's what occurred our Planet's gravity !!

Look, I don't want to sounds like a making a make-believe or encourage people to panic. But I just want to tell the world, since the only I could tell the world. These....big causes, I know we couldn't control them. But out of all that, doesn't mean I don't have any solutions. But you know with all "Money is God" theory on Earth, I honestly not sure we can survive for another 10 years if we keep falling apart. 

Thank you for reading this, stay alert and be careful.


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