Top Mystery of Cecil Hotel and What's Behind Those Incidents

Now, I know that this Hotel somewhat sort of triggered so many rather "Harsh" incidents, but why nobody including LA Police Department solve this Hotel case ? What's the truth untold behind it ? What was actually Los Angeles scare to investigate this Hotel ?

I've been gathered the information and a lot of speculations which I somehow think biggest possible and less fantastical than the most Conspiracy Theories regarding this Hotel.

First, in a scientific level :

- There maybe a few people in LAPD asked to keep "big secret" about this Hotel.
- There maybe someone in the Hotel, mainly the oldest staff works there, know the hidden history of this Hotel.
- There maybe a hidden power, particularly Mafia, behind all these incidents.
- There maybe very tragic story wind up throughout this hotel and "someone" who still hold shareholder asked to keep new owner the "big secret" of the Hotel.
- Was there maybe a Massacre happened in the past ?

Second, in a fantastical yet logic level :

- There's hidden chamber of this hotel that may holds the darkest truth of the Hotel itself.
- There's a hidden "Dimension" that makes this hotel should never be destroyed despite so many dark history.
- The dark history also include someone in Government level, which is why the hotel stays stand.
- There's hidden "locked warehouse" in the Hotel that maybe triggered some genius try to solve them and yet they've been shut murdered cleanly without trace.

So far, those are my conclusion, yes, very sounds weird, but I really hope, that State of US, never do this too much further because you guys are lucky to hold this Hotel for almost a Century. What if someday someone as powerful as Bill Gates or Elon Musk trying to flattened that cursed hotel ? Someone who strong enough to somehow Cheat Death to solve your "unique and cursed" hotel ? In this world, it is actually wrong if you hold so big secret that may someday change the way the world thinking, but why ? What's the end game of your Hotel ? Apocalypse day ? Waiting for Nature to flattened it for you ?


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