Prologue - The Idea of Uniting the World

First things first, from now onward, I will post a few recent news and a couple of famous Vlogger I knew so far that I believe could make peace for future. Now I know that many people may thinking of how the hell I know whether they can be trusted or not. Well you don't have to because I just trusted my gut, I trust my observation skill, and I trust whoever did these Vlog, mostly came from their very own true experiences.

Now I'm pretty sure that many of you wanted to ask me, which actual region of these vlogger came that I may trust, the answer is almost everywhere. I know some from countries as well, I know from US, Canada, Asian's countries, and some from Europe as well. If some of these vlog doesn't have English subtitle in it. You may ask me the specific things in the video you wanna ask (not the entire, please!)

Oh before I forgot, where my manners ? Currently I could only say my name as Lucas. I am a Polyglots, half, because right now I'm just good in Pronunciation of several languages. I am an Asian, but I'm not living in any East Asian Countries. I am also have the ability to learn emotionally anything that I saw or watch.

I have a few hobbies which contradict one another. For example, I love Crime Scene but I somehow, not really afraid of any murder happen in front of my eyes. I love gaming, but I also love to study. I love histories but I also updates all about politics, mainly critical to Global Threat though.

I live in certain small island somewhere in South East Asia. I observe here really well, because it has good weather watch area. It's pretty rural, but not that quite either. If you guys have any question that unclear in this post just remember my email at

Trust me, if any of you know exactly where I live (address), that means you are working somewhere I once applied for Job application or some. Because you know what ? I'm out there, I barely known by any of my friends or was my friend. Only my closest family know where exactly I am.
