Welcome to Dynamic Future

Welcome to my blog. This blog may be my station to express myself about this dying Earth but together with a few people I knew so that they could help the world to be a better place to live.

Some of contents would be all about insights from me, my experiences and my opinions about the world's hottest news.

It is a pleasure for me to explain and express my opinion towards this world, because lately I could never able to express since I was hated by most internet users because of my harsh and rude opinion but that is how I spill beans. That is how I honestly express myself. In my opinion, being harsh or rude is better than doing criminal things.

My main motto is "I maybe rude to hell, but I'd never easily steps into murdering people or become bad people"

I know my limits, I had most life worst experiences, I learned what's worse and what's best for the world.

If you guys wanted to know more about me or contact me, just email me to hualdo27@gmail.com . Just a reminder, any harassing emails, I'd know and I will instantly block those emails. I only receive what's worst called "developing critics" , more than that, you know where the door is and just enjoy our own life each other without badmouthing people.
