Log 12th June 2022. Things in Civilization that Hinder Development

For a month I was trying to gather information, especially about what exactly things in human civilization hinder the development of science, especially technology, and a few other things, let's say roughly, some experiments. Look I know some human experiments sometimes could be quite inhumane, but it's not like everything about the experiment can't be altered the method. 

Let's say, for example, Human Cloning, yes it could be messy if we just dysfunctional the cloned or threw away some parts from the old body, but if we could retask the program before the cloning happens, for example, like, set the clone's life live somewhere remote, or we could revise some humane method to put the clone away from its master body, that could work too, y'know. My point is, that we are humans with amazing intelligence, we have unlimited insight into almost everything. Prove that.

From the above sample, I just wanna say that in every "twisted" experiment, we should really and always find a moral way, so that we won't hurt anybody. And make every experiment like killing zombies. Do not waste unsuccessful experiments. Even as simple as AR tech could do that, right? And talking about twisted things. I also want to imply that the techs we got right now? Do not waste them just to preserve traditions. Never put traditions as our way to develop the human generation. We should use whatever techs we got now to improvise the tradition.

I know maybe some of you thinking of what I'm implying. But trust me, if we stay preserving a tradition that made us go behind? We would never give a nice example to any of our descendants. We will only leave them debts, shame,  or worst some traditional method that would make them think, "why does my ancestor think so slow?" 

I've seen some religions' traditions that actually could be upgraded but they won't do it just because they don't want to think too much. And then there's a food recipe that has gone tradition for centuries and when someone trying to invent something new? They shut down the business. I was like, what? So, our government prefers their citizens to not be innovative? For real? Look, someday maybe far in the future, you'll realize that even though you guys shut down the business, you'll never be able to shut down the idea. And trust me, the business someday would flourish better overseas and then you'll regret it because you couldn't put the taxes on them and other country gets the benefit. And by that time we're all too late.

As one of my favorite characters in certain tv series says, "the longer you deny someone potential, the more they'll look for it somewhere else" and then, in the end, you will be known as a country that keeps sending its smart people overseas due to your incompetence to upgrade your tradition.


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