Log 26th May 2022. The World with "Historians" would never Achieve Peace

It's been 3 weeks since I lived here and found out that I couldn't avoid World's Political problems that I've seen and am disgusted about them. All I could say in this rotten world is, despite I live in my country but I don't involve in it.

What I'm saying is, that the world wouldn't reach an exact World Peace and Unification if Political Advisors, historians "professors", and Leaders still could be "controlled" by power. What I meant by this was, if they could still be bribed to say things that may more in the favor of riches.

Just a few days ago I heard a "professor", but he's thinking very one-sided and unwise. So I was like, in my mind, "are you sure you didn't get that title from bribing people?" Maybe some of you think that I'm being unfair, No, I was thinking, if he is a professor, he should be thinking justified and very focused on World-y favor. Not just thinking like, "oh this country paid my living spends, I'm gonna talk all good about it". Every time I hear him saying, " oh this country is that in every possible way, while this country (the one he got paid from the country's ally) is all true and warrior-alike" 

Guys, do you know what this means? The world we're living in is all but trusting "paid" elites in the favor of certain countries' "powerful" senators. It may be only about 0.5% of the total whole world population that could think as World favor, not certain country favor. All I could say is do not worry, this "kind of living"? Will not exist in the World's future. But don't expect it to end soon. Remember, these people? Are hard to be re-educated. They think very shallowly and based on short-lived facts. They never think for like decades or probably centuries matter, where they're gonna be too late that "future world" will be lived by their descendants, who would be ashamed of their ancestors. 

One thing I should say to one "Powerful" Country is, "Don't even think your country exists and stay in power for another decade, pal, the world where I came from? You don't even exist as a country anymore because guess what? Some of your "states" secretly planning to separate from your "loser senators" way of thinking.


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