Log 4th February 2022. How Government should Deal with Human's Freewill

Alright, for the past few days I have thought much about how to write about this in a very Justice way as possible. And here is my conclusion about what was the problem with humans these past few years.

You guys might remember that China doing or making, what western media said, Concentration Camp? So here's the deal. I've done tons of research and trying to find out what happens there and guess what? Nothing. No activities came closer to what we call "enslaving" there. Do you know that the real Concentration Camp, based on Nazi preferences, should involve whipping, electric chairs, and a lot of, what we call in the bondage world, was "roping". There's no such a thing in China's Camp. I prefer to call their camp "Rehabilitation Center" 

But I'm here wasn't talking about their camp. What I'm talking about is how stupid the rest of the countries in the world taking care of their inmates. Human rights organizations keep saying "oh we shouldn't force people to do our bidding", yes, it is true, but no one says that " we should let our people mutiny their governments", what are you gonna do if the whole countries of the world rebels to their government eh? Complete chaos? Right now, it is only a few westerns and middle east countries doing it because of Covid. And then what next?

All these errors in people wouldn't be so damaged if the Prison do an actual "development" to their inmates' brains. So I think it's best for all prisoners in the world would do teachings to their "certain broken" inmates. What I'm saying is, inmates that who did the deeds because of the Needs problem. Not all inmates are capable to get that "teachings", some are maybe beyond helps such as "psychopaths, or drug cartels, any sex-related crimes" those are beyond forgiven and help. But the others? Such as "drug consumers, drug dealers, revenge murderers, minors (10-20 y.o)" I think they still have a hope to be changed. And worry not, even if they couldn't be educated, they just simply continue their prison sentence. But those who could have lessened prison sentence.

And of course, Age is also involved in filtering who would be capable to change. I believe inmates above certain "old age" might be harder to be educated unless they intend to be good. I mean look at my country, there was a village leader who made a rehabilitation cell in his house. And people of the village said they asking him to make it. Do you know why? Because Rehabilitation Camp that runs by the government ain't FREE! He, on the other hand, doing it free with sad and limited sources. And guess what the human rights government said to him? "This is violating human rights!" Oh, believe me when she said that, I wish I could reply to her "Oh yeah? Where's the free reeducation camp our government could provide? WHERE!" 

And you know, our current minister of defense coordinator did a release of massive inmates due to their "good behavior" and Covid situation and Jail occupancies. Do you know what happened in just a few weeks after? They did their criminal activities AGAIN! How's that "prison could give education or regrets" huh?

You know, human deeds couldn't be easily undone. Once they learn something, the next would be much easier. It could be better if there's someone could teach them in prison what is Moral Compass! Not waiting for them to regret themselves and pull atone of their criminal records. I am sad for the current world's government, especially those who embrace Free Will. It seems they've very underestimated what humans are capable of when they hear the word "Freedom", human knows Freedom and Democracy, but they don't know their boundaries. Unless someone teaches them what's needed to be a good citizen. (Citizen that only loves peace and not creating chaos mindlessly)


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