Log 12th January 2022 Closest Theory of Climate Change

I've been swarming the possibility of Climate Change for the past few weeks from many sources. And found out that a few things we might haven't discovered even with our current science due to lack of mass research need for inventing a few of this theory. Let me explain from the beginning how Climate Change was formed.

First of all, we know that we were throwing a lot of trashes into the ocean, right? Some of us may not do it, but "most of us" have done it. And what's worst was, the garbage companies have no idea how to exactly recycle and reuse the garbage in a more environmentally friendly manner. So, the garbages itself sunken mostly into the depth of the ocean, parsed and some of them just threw at the top of our beautiful coral reeves. 

And probably, those that didn't parse may throw into the underwater volcanoes by accident forming tones of trashes covering the volcanoes that were supposed to keep chilled by seawater. And yet due to the "cover", the subdued volcanoes making it heated and forming unnecessary higher pH seawater from many Earth's pores all around the world, making the oceans get easily triggering water sprouts. 

And then higher pH seawater also easier triggering acid airs and winds around the world, which also easier for electromagnetic vibrations which in turn forming thunderclouds in the atmosphere. So basically, due to all of those events, we are unintentionally forming a lot of Bermuda's triangles all over the world. 

In short, while we do not have any knowledge to find all those "pores" from the underwater volcanoes, which who knows that maybe some of them are also underground which we know they might be the ones triggering earthquakes in the first place. Let alone, even if we found one, how do we close it safely? How do we search all those pores? How do we even start to search while the world is busy with stupid politics? How do we even take care of the world while we just fighting ourselves?

I, myself, writing a theory to search all those pores, but without resources and every meteorologist tool, I just could watch this world dying slowly and hope someone out there with a brilliant and resourceful mind could keep up and warn the world properly.


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