Log 13th December 2021 The Irony between Technology and Labourship

You know, for a few weeks I kind of realized something, I mean apart from disasters and other natural phenomenons. It is true that our civilization now has begun to rely on technologies and other automated things applied in society, but do the government of any countries start to think both ways between their "amazing infrastructure development" and "labor ship program"? 

I mean, even as a bright country as China, they kinda started to behave like "I've put this rule, and I don't care what will happen to the laborers that are impacted by this rule" I mean, am I the only one thinking like, "We put this rule, we should be ready a solution for those impacted by this rule". Kinda like what Singapore's government does when they en-blocked a residential building to their tenants. In Singapore, they are always given options whether the tenants get the money for compensation or get a new place to live as an exchange.

So that's my point, I mean, as a "smart government" we should always "new rule, new convenient but also compensation to those impacted" OR! Think of any way to make those impacted "happy". For example, if somehow my country has managed to get all automated stores in "starting level" (such as groceries, dept stores, restaurants, etc) I'd offer a "standard level of needs" to those unemployed by those impacted by this "new rule", you guys might question " what you mean by standard level?" Well I mean like, giving them a free one year tickets at least to buy in the store where they impacted by it.

I mean, you (the store owner) are already have everything run automatically, right? Meaning you may be able to run the store almost 24 hours a day. But of course, this kind of thing has to set a balanced trend with "maintenance company" and several stores that rely on automated machines. Unless if the government is ready to set their own maintenance company to cover the "balance" to make things running more cheaply, you know?

If things between techs and laborers are balanced this way, when Climate Crisis and Pandemic is over, you've got nothing to worry about for future tech life. That's all that I'm saying. 


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