Log 6th November 2021 Understand Human Psychology

I'm glad some "disturbing dreams" has stopped a few days after my last post. And it turns out giving me a few clues of death, especially the one I accidentally monitor her chakra and lifeline path. I was surprised that she unexpectedly threw into an accident. Though police said that it could be her driver's fault but, death is death and it is part of destiny's plan, so things were couldn't be predicted when it comes to accident's death. R.i.P VA and her husband. I am regret that couldn't warn her about how thin her chakra was in time.

Return to the title's topic, I keep thinking about why some countries brainwash their people to fall into their political campaign. I'm not saying any country's name, but mostly, came from East Asian countries. You know, I never doubted that maybe they were trying to gain their people's trust, but by not telling the dark side of any stories they told? That's a very despicable act, man!

I was once in a similar position. And guess what when I found out the dark part of the story? I despise them. Like, I used to praise them even worshipped them, and then suddenly I couldn't face the hard fact. And this political brainwash? It will be the same. And I wouldn't be surprised if one day one of their fans turned back on them in the size of "kingdom come".

When you tell a history lesson in school, it would be great if people know both sides of the story. Because of this type of brainwash? How low IQ do you think your people are? Do you think they couldn't do independent research about all " fabricated history" you said? Think!

Also, why do Elites of the world keep doing things that could even low trust to the people? Were they eager to go for World war? Geeeez. 


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