Log 14th October 2021 Interspecies Discussion
I remember a while back, I've posted mention something about animal intelligence and how we stumble upon the possibility to explore some places that in human's perspective rather impossible. So I was thinking there are 2 ways to solve this matter in the most advanced way. But each of them has trouble both in physical and mental parts.
1. Advance Brain Enhancer
In the Pro part, this technology allowed animal brains to be enhanced in a civilized manner, allowing them to develop their brain to the next stage of civilization. The problem with creating this technology is our scientists don't know yet which part of the animal brain could enhance their way of thinking. Meaning if we rashly enhance it, it could enhance their instinct by accident. Also! The worst part would be our animal will be as wild as Raptor in the Dinosaurs era.
2. Animal-Plant with Human Genetic Mutation
The second option is to share human DNA with animals and plants. Allowing them to breed human minds with animals or plants' abilities. Of course, this tech will be super complex at the cellular level. I mean, we can't just expect their breed to randomly follow with what we have in mind, right? We need to edit detailed things which need to be shared. Let say for example between Human and Horse. A horse's main strength is its legs and all the lower part of it. But do we have to share their waist to the top? No. Most humans are surely against this idea because it rejects nature's order. But if I asked about the purpose of this. I might return question them: " how would you suggest any human dive deep into the trench then? How would you suggest any human step into the heat of a volcano then? All I'm asking for these breeds are helping us humans to protect the Earth!
Well, of course, I'd never forbidden the idea of Human breeding with these Hybrids, it's their choice. But if any scientist thinking about researching this. I do expect them to reconsider many things before experimenting on them. Like where will they live, or how to make them feel accepted in the human community, or how to exactly build their natural habitat. Because if we don't think about it. It will be disastrous later.
Once again, this is not encouraging about the fetishism of certain humans or any of the sort. This is just to make sure animals have their share of the burden while living on Earth together.
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