Log 23rd July 2021. The Technology that Skipped in Human History (Personal Opinion)
When I said, technologies, this may also include things that weren't included in electrical or IT knowledge. I've been reading a lot of misdirected articles and news that keep saying we were told the wrong things.
I remember I've read about Philadelphia Incident that regarding that "some says" teleportation using electromagnetic-ish and how the US government keep saying that was "rubbish", well guess what? I'll never think it was rubbish. Maybe they just said that way to protect their history of failure, especially that involve human experiments. That time I was like, "What? Why did you guys abandon the research?"
And then there were also numerous incidents regarding teleporter in China or Hongkong, I forgot. And then there was an article saying, "Oh no, that was just....Ads to market an online game..." Then I was like, "What? How bad can they be make up the model that time?! They're a totally different person!
Same person as in the footage video? I think not.
Look, I may have mentioned this before, but living for several decades so far, I was taught not to be embarassed over my failure, but turns out the world prefers doing otherwise? We've been ignoring facts that "different dimensions" may exist somewhere, why do we keep denying the knowledge? What? Afraid of someone may tell you you're crazy or something? What's the use of a lying detector then? Why keep thinking "oh this is imaginary or unreal, forget about it" way? What if you've missed the opportunity to learn something new, something that might help humanity in the distant future?
All I'm saying is when you realize something unreal or magic-ish, do not ignore it, study it! Don't ever think about morals when you encounter one, we can think of the moral later when discussed well between scientists. Look, I know that maybe your government is always like, "you talk rubbishes and fantasy, you deserve jail punishment!" Then how about discuss with them outside the box, stop thinking politically, and start thinking space level of discussion?
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