Log 8th April 2021 : Warning of Humanity or Simply Something Personal?

A few days back, I had the most realistic dreams. At first, it was simply a normal Apartment Life. And I'm pretty sure, I was mind-switching with someone else in the future. Someone pretty "high-up". Because that was not just simply Apartment, that was Condominium may be on the 18th floor or something. And then this scene coming suddenly. At first, I saw from the top and seeing a 50-meter tsunami devastate land below me, I mean a real 50 meter, so if we can imagine, every single 1-4th floor buildings gone in a matter of second. And then a scene like this appears at the opposite side of my building:

In that dream, I was like "What the f-?" I was really hoping the dream just end in this scene, but it wasn't!! I actually felt how's that Tidal Wave hit the building and I almost choked in by the water that came from any ventilation in a matter of minute before I finally woke up!

The thing is, I've never experience Vision be that close to me. Usually, it ended before actually reach me. But in this vision. I am honestly thinking that a devastating situation could really happen in the future? I mean, sure we got a lot bad things happening so far this recent 2 years but will we be already in the late situation to have it back under control? 

What's on Leaders of the World mind right now? Do they know how urgent Climate Change right now? What will happen to humans if this kind of tsunami wreck almost 85% of the planet?
