Year's End Log

In a way to describe the Year 2020, I gotta be pretty honest that I foresaw it and most of the things that happened were completely I saw beforehand and tried to tell many people ahead of time. But turns out, after everything happened, nobody believes and thinking what I foresaw was just coincident or something. Well, in any case, I'm not gonna whine about what happened in the past. I'm just worrying things about what's gonna happen in the future.

In recent of my dreams, well, more like dreams that I believe yet to happened. I always see some places. This mysterious places in that dream always leaving me a vibe of an old city with a slanted land like a hill yet it has, some kind of Old Plaza and a Castle at the foot of a mountain. I dreamt about a place like that, like, up to 30 times, I guess. Even though with different people in there, which I assume, they're just "actors" of the dream, but the place is always the same. Maybe some of you thinking, I might've dreamed about where I am now. Nope. These are totally different places. And I really have no idea what are those places. I've never visited places like that.

That, in the dream world. Whereas for the conscious world. I always had a vision of Gate. Like a long 5 meter Gate with no clue what's beyond the gate. I've kept thinking, what kind of sign for that vision? Am I at the edge of the "limit of walking in this timeline" or something?

You know, apart from all these visions. I've been keeping observing what's happening in the world, and things look like not getting any better somehow even though I tried to isolate myself from local news. And uh....looks like I was right about Natural Disasters. They never end unless we do something beyond our science and religious view right now. This means we need to do something along with "Fight the nature" in a way that harmless to Earth itself.

The question here is, are religious humans ready to face that reality, or not? I, myself, been an Agnostic for years, I'm not surprised by these things and will approve of anything that saving the Earth from becoming an inhabitable Planet. But the problem in the world right now, maybe 80% of the population still believes or even fanatics about what their religion taught them. So how to steer humans in these difficult times? The pandemic itself already quite steer big revolution to human's life. And now added the fact they need to defend themselves without the fact their religions won't protect them. know, this may not be a vision or prophecy, it's just mere Prediction. I have a hunch, we're gonna see a massive amount of Suicidal cases around the world when the  Natural Disasters giving them a notorious level of Deaths. I'm not talking about hundreds of thousands of dead bodies. I talked about millions of deaths in a very short time. Am I cursing humans right now? No. I'm just simply stating the level of Human's mentality against things they've been believing for decades. And when those beliefs somehow contradict reality, do humans able to cope with the situation? Only time knows....
