Ignored Knowledge : Elements for Human

You know, with lots of going on in this world, I mean, nature side. I was thinking about the possibility for humans to "tame" nature. I'm not saying to make human make their own group even more. It's more like to sort humans what they actually capable of, by their element.

For example, me. I might have a lot of unknown variety of knowledge, yet I couldn't use it to the extent due to certain difficulties, but that doesn't mean I can't do anything, like, totally unproductive. We think it this way, I know that some of us seem had to cross-career due to this pandemic. Yet don't you see they're actually not exactly too far away from their previous job. There are sometimes I read articles about how a stewardess had to change her job to sell foods online. Or a Food delivery guy turns into Art seller. As you may see, they're not actually totally changed, they just increase their creativity and difficulty to get the sales.

Some of you might ask, "Why can't you?", well, one thing I really couldn't do, is anything connected to "gathering money" but that doesn't mean I'm totally no brain about the strategy. No. What I meant about "the matching career" is not about we don't have a clue to do the business. What I mean is, how "tolerate" us to handle critics from those businesses. Take me for example, I might have thousand of ideas to handling business, but do I have the capability to take the pressure when get critics? No. It's not that I hate it. It's more like, I couldn't bear getting critics for things I'm no master at. 

So you see, it's not about maturity. It's more about not everybody has an aura or element to do sales or any other job. Let say I give you a few images that away from the Sales part. Can you even ask a food delivery man, to work as a miner? Or maybe, can you even ask a house helper or maid, to work as an engineer?

So, back to the main topic here. What was I trying to say about the element? Well, I mean for things connected to current Natural disasters. Let say Volcano or Hurricane. Did you know that those two disasters are actually could be prevented? But do we actually have the people who are capable to "calm" those disasters? The answer is not "No". The answer is "We don't know" or to be more precise "We're too lazy to find them"

You know, above all these, I was hoping in the future, we could actually monitor those people that clueless about what they're pursuing in career. Like an "Unemployees Facility" to lessen the crime rate in every country. I know that maybe some of you thinking about "Well we do have Ministry of Manpower". Hah! As if they really capable to tone down unemployment? Where are they when millions of people looking for a job. Are they going on the streets asking around beggars? NO! Where are they when talented but poor people need a job? Where are they when passionate but poor people need a job? Where? All they looking around is the Rich one. This is why many "Rich but idiot" people take over the power in this world. They don't know what they're doing! They just know, "Oh I don't know this problem, I just pay 'talented but poor" people for their strategy and keep shining" while it's NOT.

Our world right now is being enslaved by money. Do you know that "Stocks and Foreign Exchange" take part in the World's demonstration and Politics? Do you know why? MONEY! I give you a very simple case: Let say a "player" of Stocks puts money on "The fallen of certain country's currency" If they're rich enough, They will make that "certain country" mess up. Like for example, ask someone to bomb a building or such. You don't believe it? Ask Broker of those players. Oh yeah, they will do such a thing, trust me. Otherwise how you expect those currencies "up and down" so fast in such a short time?

What I'm trying to say is, you running a country, but you are incapable to connect your people to a better life. Should you just simply give away your country to a more capable Leader?


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