Log 28th September 2020

Hi, it's a quite long time ago I think, but I'm pretty sure less than a month since my last entry in this blog. Frankly speaking, I've no whatsoever wisdom or prophecy so far after I got my vision about a "high level of a tsunami" that would happen anywhere at anytime. After that, I only got a bunch of stupid dreams but yet, the "places" are still the same, "The alternate world". So, I'm not sure I've got to share any better than "Maybe there's no ugly future after the tsunami" OR "I might've gone cleared or blocked my vision somewhere in the future"

I'm at lost, to be honest. But that doesn't mean I lost my intelligent too. I just couldn't really see where the path of humanity going right now. It's like when you walk down the road and then suddenly the path branches into 10 to 20 different directions. I'm still seeking the possibility of finding the direction to the past of far future though....

Ah, talking about Time Travel huh.... some a while ago I discovered a few possibilities of how exactly Time Machine build. I remember a few months back I did mentioned that, when you want to build a time machine, you need something that "Freeze on Time" like an artifact or something that could never be broken or cleaned, because of the "grand charm" of the thing. And that I realized, too cliche and also too rare to be found. So my suggestion is, I'm quite convinced that there maybe a place on this planet, Freeze in Time. I'm not talking about just on the surface. I'm talking about almost everywhere. Be it underground or even underwater, and maybe worse, inside blocked ice.

But if the later is what was happening. Then I could only saying that, it may have a broken wall of Dimension Time somewhere in the frozen ice that, apparently, melted in many places now on Earth. Huh... well, that explains a lot, to be honest on why is it all events happening in the 2020 seems jumbled up together. It's like, when you usually separate a few "cleaning activities" in different week. And then all of sudden, your "Supervisor" ask you to clean them in one week.

But we're going back to the Time thingy now. This "Time Dimension" I spoke about, it could be anything. But at the same time, how do we explain this in Scientific way? You guys remember that we have a lot of places that seems having "Disruptions" right? Like Bermuda triangle, Devil triangle, etc. Now, based on those places and climate changes that seems broken in many places on Earth. How do you suggest that those places not spread its Disruptions everywhere? Like we right now literally having a few hurricanes and thunderstorms like everywhere. How do we know if the Occurences on those Triangles not affected?

So, based on that theory, I am honestly afraid that our chance to find that "Frozen in Time" area might've harder to find by now. It is not impossible however, but we really need, somekind of flight unit that couldn't be disturbed by Wind. But by the current Science, is that possible to make something like that, with current situation?
