Log 1st September 2020
Hallo there, everyone. It's been a while since my last entry post in this blog. That's because a lot of things came and tried to figure out what should I do. Also, I've been monitoring activities of the World we live in. And a lot of things, I don't understand but also somehow making senses.
I remembered Nostradamus ever saying something like, "When the world comes to an end, there's gonna be hundreds of thousands Mini-countries" What does that mean? Simple. Human wants a total reformation and applying "Democration" for themselves. Many of you that doesn't really involved in it might thinking and asking, "Is this towards a Good Ending?" Well, trust me, if that's really happen, it's nothing good for Earth's development.
We're talking about hundreds of thousands countries. So let say we have Country A, B, C and D. Country A develop something somehow "inhuman" experiment. Country B, C, D somehow feel threatning. And then what? War? Forcing own mind to others? That's not how it works, man.
Look, I know a lot of people out there dislike what China does to their people. But you gotta admit, the way the combined people and giving them strict rules. It works. Although, some parts of it, I hate it too. Anyway, in short, we may have disagreement between citizens and government, but why not empower the government instead of rioting them? Let say people keep rioting their own countries. So what? to what end? Government-less?
You know, amid these pandemic and rebel phases everywhere... You wanna survive through at least End of Year? Simple. Do nothing anything involving emotions, follow rules, stay healthy, avoid troubles, then you're doing good. In other words, if Health minister asking you to stay safe and avoid troubles, you're doing it. If there's a dissappointment triggering you, avoid it, run from it. I know I won't rally people to do nothing. But if anyone wants far from trouble, you don't get involved with those movement. Who knows what would happen if you're dead in the movements, right?
This year sucks, every month, every first week of the month, I always sense a menacing faith waiting somehow. Was it good? No. it sucks, every single first weeks. Even this month, September huh? I sense a negative energy came from biggest place, biggest Sand place on Earth, I won't say where. But I have a hunch, something "extraordinary" coming soon there. Good or bad, I'm not sure.
I guess, what we can do now, is like what I said, do nothing emotionally, stay out of trouble, and see what's gonna happen. Is this motivating? Nah, I'm not even sure. but wary things happening in this world and is it worthed? One word, YES.
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