Facts about Life on Earth that Human Missed (Intelligence)

Hi there, it's been a while Series of "Facts about Life" I rarely mention, because this series need a few research, although in "pseudo-way". Especially in this occasion, I'm gonna mention about Science and Intelligent Beings.

On Earth right now, Science dominate technologies and every logic knowledge, that reachable by Human senses. So everything they "see and proven", they'll call it Science. But everything "unseen and hardly proven", they'd call it lies or laughable objects, although in much more manner sense, they'd call it Pseudo-Science. I, myself, as a Pseudo Scientist and Philosopher, understood that I don't really have place to over-thought their mind.

But I do despise, bullying. I mean, bullying has been decades matter that never disappear from human history. That's why, if possible, for all Scientists out there, be open minded and less "laughing" to Pseudo-Science. Despite they may lack in evidence, doesn't mean they're not researched without effort. Some Pseudo Scientists probably already appear in human history, but everytime they wanna make a breakthrough, human simply cast them out by imprison them, or worse, sentence them to death. Without thinking of their far future intention and their will to making human survivable for much better future.

That comes me with the second thing comes up in my mind. We know that the only Intelligent Being on Earth, is Human. Some humans may also trying to train a few animals. But what they're doing is nothing more than just Instinct Training. They never think of that some "places" are, in fact, unreachable for human to explore to take care Earth in a better ways. Many people maybe critic over this "exploration", but imagine, if somehow we're able to giving "intelligent" to Aquatic beings? Imagine if they somehow, could help us, what exactly going on underwater, or even Beings that able to reach down-to-Earth places, such as Volcano or Magma areas? 

If somehow Us, human could work together with those beings, imagine how we could prevent so many Natural Disasters that happening right now on Earth! Just remember, despite our Brain, we Human, is nothing more than just a Primate, who doesn't have Claws, Poisons, or anything to defense ourselves. So, why not using our Brain to make good use for other creatures, to train them not just in "instinct" level, but also, "Intelligent" level. We do know, a few creatures have shown their capabilities to understand human, right? Why not train them "better"?

Afraid of, being "replaced"? Then we should giving those "training session" to those Human that train by Heart, not by Greed. Because trust me, if you don't carefully assign the Trainer, dire future of Earth is highly likely to happen even worse.

Thanks for reading. All I'm saying is, remove our Greed, Human, and start thinking as "We're all on Earth, We're in this catastrophe together!!"
