Log 18th August 2020

Hi there, it's me again, so it's been 2 weeks and more after the last time I posted. Kind of update a few things that I found ugly and found also a little bit enigma, especially to the "Movement" of Clouds these days.

You might remember that I am researching and observing a lot about Clouds, especially near my place. I find them kind of has unique movements but let's talk about that later. Because I'm kinda wanted to talk about what was happening in some parts of the world Downpour Rains/Monsoon time. If you realized these past few days some parts of the world kind of having unusual overwhelming rains, right? Especially to the South part of Beijing goes down to India.

That downpour rains....it's actually not quite surprise me. Because of those clouds they got? They originally come from Serbia which was hot in the past few months. If you remember well, in a normal season of the world usually around this time, China, South Korea, Japan, India, they should have an Autumn season by this time, but they got Rainy season instead because the Clouds they got from Serbia and whatever from the North Pole wasn't the Freezing Cloud version that they usually got. And I have a very terrible hunch. These floods? They'll have it until the end of their usual Autumn, which is around September or October. Will they get Winter by then? That depends. Depends on what season is right now on the North Pole.

These past few days, I also spotted a lot of "spot-ish" of Cold, Freeze and you might not believe it, Methane. But they spotted only at night. Not sure why, but that's why in my place, in the morning until the afternoon I always get clouds removed from the sky, and then when at night, they gathered back and in the morning they form Collumunimbus Cloud very close to Earth. Not sure why either. It's like they gathering power and bring the clouds to somewhere unexpected. I feel bad though, it feels like my place is an epicenter of "mad weather" but not happening here instead of happening elsewhere. But I'm pretty sure there's also someplace else having the same occurrence as mine.

I'm still trying to gather these puzzles of Climate Change, to be honest. Trying to find out, at least, lessen the catastrophe they made to some parts of the world. These past few days, my health, as usual, getting deteriorated. But I'm trying to stay positive that maybe there's a clue in every situation. I hope it's not something really bad. Because believe it or not. Every time I lose things "physically" so does the Earth. Am I some sort of Earth Spirit, Gaia. Let God decide :)


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