The Origin of Time and Life Part 01

Talk about fate, destiny or coincidence, sometimes it is still a confusing matter that whether what kind of thing "Time" is. Many of us, Human, certain that, when Greed kicks in, they'd tell "Time is Money" but when the Death comes near, they'd tell differently such as "It's about damn time" or "We can't force ourselves stay alive" or in Religious term "May the God bless upon us"

So, in a conclusion above all that, Time is what actually the most matter in this Age. And then maybe some of you think that what matters after Time? That is, of course, it depends on what sort of life you lead on. If you're a rich fella, Money is what matters you the most, no matter how "denying" are you by saying "Oh I did some donations" or "I did some voluntary help in..." but without Money you couldn't do all that.

And then what happened to the poor one? It's obvious, isn't it? Maybe the same but we might call their behavior against Money and Time much more "relaxing" or almost every time "ready to give up" situation. Wait, wait, wait, some of you might ask me "But what about beggars, robbers, burglars?" well ha ha to you, d'you think, the rich won't do the same? They will do the same, but in a more "indirect way" so what is the base of Time?

Let me give you a back story of mine several decades ago. When I was born, I still remember until now what was actually happened before I was born. It was a white, wide place area and before that too, it's like a certain record of between memories wiping process and like a jungle of "nature world". But is everyone would have the same situation when they were born, we're uncertain about it of course, or to be precise, that kind of thing "doesn't matter" to them.

But for a brain like me, it is impossible to wipe a "vivid-glued" memory like that from me. So, in a scientific way, Life itself actually doesn't really have a connection towards Time. It was actually Age what matters to Life. Memory, however, has a certain complex connection to Time. What does that mean? It means, current Scientists have no clue that to access "Time Management", you gotta be able to extract Memory from oneself, I wasn't talking about "in a biological way", I'm talking about in a more "electrical engineering" way. Which is what exactly?

Do you remember this event? People keep saying "Oh that's just a myth" or "Huh? There's no proven record about this incident" well I'm gonna tell you and ask you a few things: If this incident really just a myth or unproven, why's it the article stays in many resources? Can't they just "wipe everything about it"? That's because the event itself couldn't be proven until 25 - 30 years later. After the memory-lucid technology found. One thing of another "Memory Extraction" could use help to find a clue about "Time" and "Dream interpretation"

Because Dream isn't really as Fantasy and Imaginative as it sounds. Up until today, we still haven't figured it out how to Read a Dream, every time it's just told about or story about, we still couldn't really extract what we actually see in the dream. So, my message to current scientists out there: Never ever judge anything about Life or Time, if you don't know how to extract the Core of the knowledge.

Thanks for reading, this post needs further investigation and might have a sequel in the near future, so stay tuned. 
