Analysts of Current Situation #ScienceDiary14

If we recall back these past few days, everywhere is chaos and things might be turned into something I didn’t expect especially around me. Despite the situation of “You’re a liar”, I might meeting a lot of chat something like “Give up your money !! This a Raid !!” 

Haha… funny how’s that sounds huh? That’s right I might be survived the pandemic situation, but survived from “People”? I might not so confident about it. I’ve learned too much about humanity generation by generation. And the true color of my country’s people, it will be Beggar or Robber, when they facing massive crises like this.
Maybe some of you asking, what are the chance of me to survive? Maybe I can only say 70% - 75%, this is not a depression situation, this is just the worst prediction.
Anyway, I don’t know what’s happening to Google this morning, I am unable to access mostly Google service, like the server there has a problem. Man….was that bad situation there in the US?
Today is a short post because I kind of half scared half unsure what the world going to be in the, even for next week.

For entertaining purpose :)
