What Future Awaits Exactly for Everyone ?
Hello there, it's been a while since my last post in January 2020. Just when I was arrived a week ago in Singapore and I already got myself surrounded by bad news all over the place, but one particularly, the Coronavirus. But this bad news is not the only worst case we have in the world. But the way it spread, by mentally and physically, I'll say it is the worst.
But what can we do and acknowledge about this virus ? All we know so far, it is from Wu Han, China, it spread easily through body fluid contact, its killing number already reaching 250+ and increasing, it is infected more than 10,000 people all over the world. But maybe some of you asking, why am I saying "Mentally" ?
So let me get this straight, the virus spread, yes, but the medias who spreading the news, I'd say some of them, too much biased and over-exaggerated. Why ? Of course, we, human only want to find out the truth, and these medias and some people use that "want to find out the truth" trait to spreading fears and panics. Look, we are human, don't make things already bad gone to worst by reading "unknown and pranking" medias and people whose source just plainly baseless.
I mean I saw many of these medias that saying, "oh man wuhan virus infected more than 90,000 people, man !!" or some people saying "the fuck this government man, I got trapped and they want to kill all of us instantly by shut down the transportations..." I keep thinking, "What ?! The govt locked you down because if they don't, you will spread to all others, to US !!"
You guys (biased medias and people) should be lucky if after all these your government stays patience towards your all selfishness and patientless people. Coz, if I'm your government, I'll be instantly slice your throat and hands, so that you cannot say anything god damn lies to this God forsaken Dying world !!
We are human, don't let irresponsible people take out our intelligence. If we keep reading and watching ugly and non-trusted medias, who knows, maybe the one who "plan" all these just simply smiling and thinking they're win and makes things that should be done for years become months.
I don't know about you guys, but uh, yo Time Criminal out there, whoever you are, the world is not end yet. We, indigos, may be hidden, but we're gonna make sure safety for human around us. Stay survive. I know you guys wanted to change histories but don't think you're the only Time Traveler out here.
Peace on Earth, people. Don't let destiny kills you easily.
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