Two Months, 4 - 6 Devastating Disasters, Tens of Thousands of Deaths

You know, apart from my latest post about relaxing. The world is... gotten worse, much much worse, and if I stay asked you to relax, it feels wrong. First of all, let see all of these :

Now it floods even to places that 
was used to "non-lethal area"

Cool, we're almost at the end of Winter, y'know ? 
Why snow heavier than ever ?

Many things broken even old things

New Trend, Boats as vehicle

Another trend, Masked people all over the world

Oh look, we'll get a new continent soon !!

NYC is gonna go bye-bye...

This is the place where Food is the most delicacy, 
but now, not really delicacy, I guess ?

What we could do about them huh ? Nothing ? Let maybe a billion people dead ? Y'know, apart from all these....devastated situations, Leaders of the world maybe do many things but what they done don't seem like much effective against these more like what we call..."A Process of De-humanity" or I'd like saying it "Process of Sorting Chosen Human"

It's that sounds so grim ? Well, first of all, yes that sounds grim, maybe you asked, "Did you done all these ??", well, first of all, that's the best joke I ever heard from you since I am, in this "age", a broke guy who has none power. I wish I could, really, to revert this situation, since I know how to, but. Who will listen to and believe in me ? Nobody.

All I could say is, the world right now ain't nothing pretty, folks... You might working your ass everyday for the sake of food, but now ? No, you're working to survive in the near future. You are working to find a way immune yourself to incoming "More" devastating future. Scared ? Well, I remember many people told me this, "There's nothing fair in this reality", So, why don't you put that words back and proof it to me you can face the true "Calamity" situation ? Because to be honest with you guys, I've done my homework. I've done it for several years way before all these happens. I'm not afraid. You guys ? Well....this picture shows how scared you guys :


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