Relaxing Posts and Tips of Life - Taste Buds

Y'know....despite all of these situations, I still want to share things that might useful for Relaxing and Surviving from time to time and uh...I never hope you guys just simply trust me on this, because I learned these from personal experiences and I believe every human have different types of taste buds and preferences.

First of all, Taste, I mean like Sweet, Salty, Sour, Bitter and Plain. These five taste actually pretty simple and have deep yet simple effects on your body. But like I said, maybe some people out there have different effects. Let's get down to it anyway. Sweet, is the most giving "Happy" to our body and mind. Yet, do you know that this taste, despite all those happiness they only help us but one thing, Sleep? Maybe many of you thinking, "What ?!" But it is the truth. I mean look at the bigger picture. Have sweet help you at any other besides making you obese, for extreme thoughts? That's right, Sweet only help you the most to lessen insomnia, that's why the best medicine to cure those who's having hard time to sleep is a glass of chocolate milk. Oh before I forgot, do you know the worst case Sweet brings to us. It cause us to thirsty and hungry.

Now then, second is Salty. Salt is maybe in the surface, most people saying it is giving us many harm like, High blood pressure and any worst illnesses. But do you know Salt giving us Sensible senses? Or in other words, making us brimming with sensitivity all over the body. But maybe many of you think, was that a good thing? Well, I never say it is a good thing to begin with, but for those having a blunt mind or half asleep or injured, wait what? injured? Yes, and guess what, by giving Injured people Salt, put in their wound will slower their bleeding. Giving salty foods to half asleep people might trigger shock as better as giving them Spicy things. Wait, does that mean we have a new taste buds. I would say, No. Because Spicy is different branch of what we call Leader of Taste. Spicy will never be found in our organ, while the other Five, yes. Oh by the way, too much Salt also cause you to thirst and even worse than Sweet.

Then what about Sour ? Sour is the source of Metabolism. You consume moderate Sourness, you'll get a good Toilet time. But !! Too much Sour, will cause you to diarrhea. Because food that trigger sourness will destroy any possible things inside your body, it will double the job of Stomach. Our stomach consist of Amino Acid. Which is moderately "sour" up the food you swallowed.

And what about the other two, Bitter and Plain, they seems not really useful ? got it wrong there. Bitter, which we found in the most alcohols, if we consume moderately, it will help us to drain poisons in our body, that includes Tea. Wait, why not coffee ? Because the true nature of Coffee is not Bitter, but Sour. Trust me, you drink non-sweet Coffee a lot, you won't get a good Pee time, but stomachache. Because it contains caffeine. Which is almost the same as Amino Acid in our body. Will this including Decaf Coffee, truthfully, I'm not sure. Because I haven't taste a decaf coffee.

As for Plain, will this brings more good than harm, yes if you having them moderately too. So maybe a lot of you asking me, "What, so drinking water a lot is not a good thing ?" You got it inaccurate amount of water you're asking. What I meant about "Too much" is drinking 3 - 6 galleons of water. Not just 8 glasses a day. Too much water may cause your body become destabilize. Human could only accept up to 70% of liquid water. You drink more than that, you'll start making amino acid bloating and in simple case, you'l get diarrhea. But in the worst case, Death. Because it will make your body having anomaly amount of H2O. 

Anyway, to conclude all these explanation, I'd say we gotta having all these balanced. Nothing too much or too less. But for those who aiming having a Model body, I'd say like this :

- Sweet : 5% - 10%
- Salt : 10% - 15%
- Sour : 20% - 30%
- Bitter : 35% - 50%
- Plain : 50% - 70%

Yes, I think that's all, oh, maybe you also want to ask about Spicy? That taste actually cause to increase our Amino Acid in their end game, so it's basically Sour but in different style of injected to your body. So you know the math for Sour :)

Thanks for reading, I'll post some other things when I managed to combine it all in my mind :)


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