2nd Off-Day Got Me Even in Higher Warning

First of all, forgive me for the last "tiny texts" post, I re-post and now I'm back from observing one of the country that "Highly risk" to that "Crown" virus. Anyway, I've observing and keeping update on China News about this virus. Turns out I'm still back in one conclusion about the virus. It was man-made, and not originated from China that is. Some of you maybe saying, "What ?! That's obviously the China made it man !!"

Ok then, how about I ask you these things :

- Why is it at the Chinese New Year ?
- Why is it at the center of China ?
- Why not originated from other town that has the same "Bat Dishes" ?
- Why the Bat got it now ? After 15 years of consumption and then "error" ?
- Why it attack mostly Chinese race ?
- Why other country that also consume Bats didn't get the virus ?

Clearly, someone or some organization out there trying to "interfere" to China's prosperous future, isn't it ? Who has the best potential to be the suspect ? Who's on Trade War to China ?

Look people, I am not accuse US to be the suspect, especially the government of them. But I believe, an organization or some powerful people there trying to make US be the best suspect in this case. As US was the one had the worst relation to China.

Don't you know that Wuhan, is the most strategic place, like heart of China whose hold most of China's Weaponry ? I'm not saying Biological weapon. But mostly Physical weaponry saved in that city.

And don't you know that, Wuhan, is the center of Bullet train terminal in China ? So whoever did this, basically trying to destroy "Belt and Road Initiative" plan, right ?

So, you guys still think it is "Natural Disaster" ? Nope. Think again clearly and never consumed by hoaxes. Maybe my post sounds hoax as very dubious things mentioned like accusing, but if you see the bigger picture now. Who has the most secret agency on Earth besides US ?


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