Robot or Humanoid Android, How Exactly to make them Alive ?

Recently, well to be exact, for several years I've been researching and observing a lot about Robot so far that made by human. I kind of disappointing or maybe a little bit despise about what they've been achieved. I mean, they made robots but nowhere near alive and focus too much on their AI. Which makes them very mannequin-like, left alone being Alive.

These are the best companion Robots so far that I though 5% alive 

When you think about making a Robot, or even better a "Humanoid" robot, you shouldn't think the "Brain" first like this one :

Yes, AI is one of the essential of making one, but did she move like us, Human ? Certainly not, not even 1% in my eyes. Here is the parts that are essential of making robots alive :

1. Mouth movement : We think about how exactly they spell letters. Not thinking about "the voice", besides, voices could be made after the mouth movement able to at least speak all roman alphabets with a perfect mouth-shape. Example, you don't expect Robot saying "I am a robot" while her mouth shaped the sentence "" like this one :

2. Body movement : We think about less "Glitch-like" stiff-non-sensible movement like the robot above, and start to think how to make them move smoothly like, a Door with a perfect no-interruption Hinges.

3. Eyes movement : Eyes of Robot should detect Environment instead of focus on target they talking to. I said "detect" meaning, they should aware something like Breezing Air, Air Humidity, "Heats" of the one they talk to (it means their eyes need to install Heat Signal Detector - talk about this later). This way to make the Robot less, I don't know, stiff like "I only see you, it means I'm alive while actually NOT" and please, have them "blinking" every once in a while.

4. Heat Detection installed within Eyes, Skins and Nose : Do you know that by doing this is actually make your robot able to detect Emotion ? Emotion on Human has a unique Heat Signature, y'know ? This way, the robot could adjust their way of thinking and respond in a much more proper way. Not stiff like a human that complete tactless.

5. Gravity Balancing installed within robot's Back part and Neck : The technology of Unicycle or Onewheel-Pint actually should do the trick to install "Nerve System" of the robot. You don't or shouldn't install them in their Foot and move like this :

6. A.I. Human Priority Recognition : One sentence for this, don't be reckless, making the A.I. without thinking of Human is the worst possible move for a scientist. And also, do not like, ever, install "Competing" traits, especially against Human, to your robot.

7. Free Will A.I. : This part, I gotta admit. Still debatable. So we shouldn't have robots for now, installing this. Because it could over-write anything you've installed so far, I mean Everything including their Shape.

Maybe for now, that's all I could say for future robot. Ah, maybe some of you asking about "What about Sex Robot ?", Yes, they have pretty good "Assets" but out of all that appearance. They just simply non-movable Thing or we could say a Flexible Mannequin, nothing more.

One day you should appreciate that the real robot should move like.....this :

I know it's just anime, but this anime is the First ever re-animate 
a real Robot should behave in the first place.
