Humanity Against Time

First of all, I wanna say thanks and sorry to keep Readers waiting. I was in a vacation and I promise you I got a lot I had in mind that I might writing up to 3 - 4 posts per day this week, to remind that we have a lot of "things" happening these past few days.

Anyway, back to this "particular" topic, I'd say these past few days have been rather "crazy" for some countries especially, if we see Earth, Central area. We have Taiwan in a rather "Critical and Questionable" new election. We have Iran kick US Embassy's ass, and then US kick Iran's General's guts, and then here we are, at the brink of World War 3. And then even many more. Illness outbreak in Wu Han, China. Australia's bush fires is the most crazy one though, and I telling you, it's not ended yet. Jakarta's flood, however, as we all know, it's a Man-Made mixed with Natural Disaster. I don't know what to say to my country, it's like everything there feels like build and destined to be happened.

Anyway, seeing all these events should make everybody wonder, who in the world makes all these wrapped to tightly, that, if my prediction is right, was supposed to be happening rather "separated time", because I know the nature of "Time Keeper" wouldn't do something like this. I'd say probably there's some people like Time Criminal are behind all these. If it really is. To be honest, only Time Patrol (who won't be coming for this age) or another rather "famous" Time Prophet besides myself could stop this event, but where is he/she now ?

Things are just getting scary now, man. These....precognitive visions keep appearing in my head and gotten clearer than ever before about Apocalypse Days.

....ah, yeah discussing about these "Time" folks are rather vague in a lot of ways and makes you wonder, why I can't do anything ? Trust me, I wish I could. Because working with Time is, somewhat, non-multitask occupation. Oh, I heard some "crazy" scientist out there found out how to make "Time Machine" to go to the past. His intentions kinda pure but his theory are rather primitive though. I hope he's doing well a few months later. I mean you know the world now. Anything "pseudo-ish" won't exist very long due to "Double-Standard Politics"

We will continue this later, thanks for reading.
