Human may befriend to Nature, but towards Themselves ?
You know, just only yesterday I heard the news that Scientists hoping for humans to bonding back with nature, which is actually a good thing, but what do they give towards themselves. Or to be precise, why so many rebels all over the world right now? It's true that some Governments may be corrupted but not all of them. I don't want to exactly put any country in this post, but it feels like all over the world's low-class human rebels against powerful people including the government, has Human finally gone completely out of sanity and trying to make the Earth inhabitable for Human to live?
We are on the edge and fight against Climate Change right now, why Human makes things worse by rebels all over the world? We should unite our thoughts to stabilize Nature! But nobody right now, I mean from Low Class (and High Class too, apparently) give a shit of combining thoughts to stable the Weather or anything.
I'm afraid, fellas, I mean I'm just a normal low-class Indigo Human, I don't have any power to convince anyone to "Shut up and solve the Climate first, then you can fight whatever you want LATER !!"
Right now from my perspective, the climate ain't not really calm down yet. If you realize a few things happening recently, Ocean has started to raise its level, not only a few centimeters like mentioned by Scientists. It will grow more than 5 meters, I'm telling you. And 5 meters or more? It's enough to follow the maps that were shown to me in my prophecy a few months ago. Do you know what was happened in that Vision? There's no such thing as the world full of continents like now. It's only 5 - 7 islands about the size of Africa left.
So I should warn for those who live near North and South Pole (including where I am right now). One day that land you live in is gonna be under Ocean, very soon. And I wish I could say it in a few years. But uh....with all everything escalated so quickly recently. I might've to guess 2 Years, is the longest time I could guarantee.
Am I spreading fear? No, I'm just giving an awareness. I, myself hating things like "last minute solution". But, do things really go what I was predicted? I wish I could say "100% won't happening", but with the world goes right now? Am I wrong to ask everyone to be ready whatever awaits us in the near future? Aside from being rebels? Please?
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