Family Psychology and What Kind of Family Tree Should be in the Future
These past few days and a few weeks before I've been researching something about family's connection. I realized that actually in this world, we had so many like millions of people are simply orphan, no, not because of dead parents. But because of their families fell apart, divorce and many possible moments that forced them to live apart.
What do you think of that matter? Human nature? Fate? Destiny ? or Situation pushed them that way? Well, what do you think we can do to prevent this from happening from the beginning? Humans always choose to simply throw them into Orphanage or any kind of non-profit Institution. But, do you know? An institution like that usually the kids become total mess before even reach a mature age. Why? Remember "Non-Profit", so I believe, maybe some of those institutions are not really "willingly" to take care of the kids, I said Some, not all of them, so if not ex-parents be careful to choose them, they just simply appoint the kids to become criminal someday.
It's kind of intriguing and complex to understand when I said, "Prevent things from the beginning" at this point. Because we don't know whether the "simulation machine" could be invented to do this task. That's right, we think of a simple simulation of DNA probability to make this happen, but then also again, who's gonna fund the "Real Mechanism Institution" for this matter, and to be honest what we gonna do, it sounds inhuman to this age.
We're thinking of make it possible for all parents in this world to be ready to throw away their "un-match" kids and exchange them into the better "match" kids from all over the world even before they were born. But I believe at this point, many people would think two words, "FUCK YOU !!" Yeah, figured. But this practice actually to prevent millions of kids ended on the street without a parent. How about not all parents but "regretted" parents only and agree to this condition though. I believe, this practice actually might already happen by certain "powerful" people of course. But hidden, like illegally and politically practice, that's sounds more awful don't you think?
I've been seeing, in this world, that so many parents that non-biologically parent to their kids, maybe scale 1 - 100 %, maybe 40%, and somehow, their "non-biology" kids even more "match" rather than their real kids. That is why I've been thinking, why don't they just separated even before they're born? That way may less hurting to the parents to "throw" them.
A few weeks ago, I watched this one movie, showing a Boy who's un-match to his father. And then there is a Daughter of other Dad un-match to her father too, but when the Boy's father talks to the girl, they seem to match each other and they're just not only "like", they are like an actual team. That kind of family being teamwork is the best we could hope for all future families. But, how many people and how many times needed for humans to realize this, it is only "Time" answer it. And who knows? Probably there'll be a new human to understand this matter deeply, not sanity-ly. You know, a lot of time, actually we sometimes have to put aside religion, to make a "movement" of human developments.
I'm just an Agnotics. I believe in God, but I believe that He asked us not to be timid and naive of what He gave to us. He wanted us to improve, not wanted us to become so "way back" mindset. After all, Wars are the only thing He though He failed us. Do we have to do that again for Him? No, right?
Thanks for reading :)
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