Monthly Pod Room, Inhumane or Future Survivalist ?

I remembered I post a similar things about living in a small, limited space room. Many people of this age keep saying things like :

"Oh my God, that's so inhuman !!"
"Jesus my heart, that's so crazy tiny !!"
"What the fuck is this ? A corpses chamber ??"

Well tell you what, these people are simply OLD-FASHIONED. Why ? Have you guys ever visit NASA, or Cruise Ship, or Train Cabin ? Did they all have a Castle-sized living space ? In current age, we know that living space, the bigger they are the bigger the price, SO in the future, we think it in a different way. Limited space, meaning smarter way of living, WHY ? Because it means we could be adapted if someday suddenly we gonna be forced to live in a cabin in many kind of future living quarter.

Do you guys think that someday in the future, you guys could easily get a wide area of range to build a house or a castle in different planet ? NO WAY, man !! In different planet, even if the planet has been terraformed, doesn't mean it have an unlimited area to provide Oxygen !

Look, I may not a scientists or psychologist or expert in this. But I could assure you, Living in a Big-Castle-like Houses ? will never give you the advantage even in Social life. People may think you're freaky show-off, you're just simply wasted money in the wrong way. Why spend money if someday you gonna use that money for your kids ? Do you know how much money needed to raising kids nowadays ? BILLIONS ! If you think it in USD maybe MILLIONS !!

Do you know how's the house's size of future billionaire ? Not even larger than Basketball Field, I tell you now. Because they know, bigger houses meaning bigger maintenance, more wasted money to unimportant monotone things !

We are going to live in Space Age, we are not returning to the Stone Age. I know in Stone Age, living in a bigger place, meaning you're a leader, but NOW ? Who cares about being leader, we only care to survive now, we are leader of our own !!
