Secret of Time and How to Harvest Artifacts of Time #ScienceDiary10

"Time is Limited in every Ages, Every creature responsible to certain age would live so far up to designated Time Point" - Guru of Time, 2125 A.D.

Sounds colossal ? Yes. Proof ? None, because proof of Time cannot be traceable. What is Time ? How does it work ? And is it plausible to every Human gain the "Admission" ? No.

In this diary I just wanted to clarify what I know or "the other me" knew about Time. To be pointed out, it is possible for Human creating the device as Fantasy as they called as Time Machine. The question is, who has the highest privilege to use it ? 

In this age, I'd say none. Unless of course, a Time Traveler send to get the device to use them. What kind of "Creature" trusted enough to have this privilege ? One thing for sure, not Human, or should I say, not an un-evolved Human, why is that ? Because it is risky to what future though about us here, primitive mind. Why is it primitive ? Because selfishness still top priority for Human of this Age.

So, how exactly "Special" Human, smart enough to make a device before real Time Traveler come ? Simple. we just need something, something "old" enough that could live for centuries or millennia. It could be a gemstone, a book or memento of someone passed down for centuries. But is there anything like that in this age ? Museum probably has it ? No, what I meant for "live long enough" it means untouchable. Never been clean or applied to any kind of chemical substance. 

But trust me one thing, for this Human age now, we could only make a one way trip of Time Machine. Which is kind of hard to look for someone, solemnly, trusted, volunteer, life-threatening journey. Because who knows it will work or not, right ?

My diary might be eroded for the next few months, because I feel I've opened too much secret of future. It's the law of time not to interfere to prevent creating "irresponsible alternate life" . . .
