Life Deteriorated and Recap Recent Events #ScienceDiary08

It's been a while since my latest post, I got a few chronic diseases I had to deal with and also have no idea to deal with what's happening in some places over the world. So I decide recap a few things.

I've been given thoughts a lot of things especially Climate Crisis we're facing right now. And also "the movement" which was organized by one of Prophet, no, I'm not talking about Ms. G.T., I'm talking about the one who gave her that authority to "move". You see, we're Prophet never runs everything by ourselves, unless that Prophet wanted to go "suicide" decision after by paradoxes we made.

Anyway, this Crisis, there's no significant "big" resolve coming from Scientists, right ? Truthfully I keep monitoring the movement of Clouds these past few days. It was awfully weird, some places have a calming wave of sea but some places have unique yet dangerous "tremor", well I guess we can see already the result of the worst. At least one of South East Asia country drifted by it. I'm not really fond to the news though.

Why haven't the scientist think of manipulating Climate change through Sky ? Why they keep thinking "Plastic Waste" as the core of the problem ? Why can't they think of stopping what makes things worse ? All I'm trying to say is, when we think of Climate Change, first we need to stop the "Climate" before we actually "Clean the mess", not the other way around ! Have you seen people do Paddy farming while raining ? No, right ? They also do farm before Raining season come, right ?

Right now, if we just keep thinking "Cleaning the waste" while "Extreme weather" scorching everywhere, how the hell The Waste gone any better ? Let me tell you what would happen if you clean the Waste before "Calming the weathers", you're gonna spread the "Poison" installed in the waste, result ? More Climate Crisis !

Thanks for reading :) I hope Scientist could understand the situation from every Aspect of people.


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