How Close We are to World War 3 ?

I remember there was a line spouted somewhere and maybe some people out there may remember someone "Inspiring" also saying it, "...Trust me that future is faster than you think" except, for this post I'd say, "Trust me, that war is closer than you think".

We talk about a recap on what's happening in this world right now. First big news, Hong Kong, "The Protesters" spread their wings to US now, noted. Second news, Japan vs Korea "weird political war", next United Nation "Brexit", noted. Indonesia "Haze" vs Singapore and Malaysia, not so national thread but worrying in clinical way, France, "Yellow vests" very nice, have a 'fancy name', next what ? I don't think simply anecdote says "Trade War" is enough to cover these country's rebels.

I mean, let's face it already, we are not in Civilization stage, we are in "Masked" Civilization !! Meaning we're just Pretending we could be in "peace". I'm gonna tell you, real "Civilization" is nothing like what we have right now here on Earth. Civilization meaning "One Council of Leaders, One System, All over the World", no more differences !! Imagine, if somehow tomorrow Alien invade us ? What do we have to defense ourselves while we're just thinking how to protect ourselves against each other ? What's gonna be ? Let say, okay, China, US, Russia saved from invade because they have "Nuclear" and then ? What happened to the rests of the world, empty ? Islands sinking ? Radioactive everywhere ? NOTHING !!

Let me tell you, World, the moment you make all these wreckage, is the moment you realize you are walking towards Lone, Lost fight. Imagine if Alien let say invade everywhere except you three, China-Russia-US. And then what ? you will fight losing battle because you're gonna be trapped inside your country.

I, myself, hate war that especially against own Race, Human. How could human going to Space Generation if we couldn't solve the most trivial things ? United ? I am seriously not sure what's gonna happen in the future, I have nothing about World's future, no vision about that. I do have "other personal vision" and I believe it doesn't have anything to do with current World.

I am utterly feel amazing how the world goes exactly as I was predicted 4 years ago. I don't know who's gonna "Hit the Button" first, but all I could say is. Don't ever do that. You're just repeating history of what "We" experienced in different Timeline. That's why there so many Prophets already came to this world isn't it ? Have you realized yet that many "Unusual young people who cares the world" came from anywhere including me. I never said the one "Fight for democracy" is also Prophet. Highly unlikely someone like that wants the world in Peace. I have no word describing their intention to be honest. Because all I see, is just Lost Soul Brats who knows nothing about Future Life. That's all.

Thanks for reading this rather "clinchy" post.
