Supernatural : To See What the Unseen (Indigo Review)

Of all TV Series I've seen so far, Supernatural is a quite remarkable work of Art. I'm not talking about the information inside or the scenarios of each chapter. I'm more talking about the science in the chapter.

Some parts of this Series, I admit, a little bit too fantastical, but most of the Series, are true. Now I'm not asking any of you to believe it, but. The things of Angel, Demon, Ghost. Scientifically they're not too imaginative as you all always though.

I am always think any of this world, as Agnostic, is Designated. There's no such a thing as "By doing your best, you change your destiny", No. I believe whatever path we move on, is designated by Being or Organization that we haven't understand yet. The "doing the best" maybe not so idly meaning though, I'm pretty sure this "idiom" is just to enhance a better path we're gonna go.

Now, maybe many of you think, what's this paraphrase I made has anything to do with Supernatural series itself ? Here is the thing, I believe, not everything we walking right now, is totally based on realest reality we used to think. I believe there's some other Realities or maybe other Dimensions that we actually don't have clue of it, yet. It's true maybe some of Beings may kind of "too weird to be true" but Ghosts and people with special abilities. I believe they are real, we just happen to not walking in the same dimension as they are. I mean how many people of this world have seen them ? And the fact how many Psychologists or Psychiatrists trying to bend this "wicked" truth ?

And furthermore, the fact that many people, in the past, with special abilities or even magic was destroyed by people without abilities ? How many of us think there maybe a lot of people nowadays trying to suppress their ability ?

So I just thinking that this series, actually kind of enlighten nowadays people to not too surprise if someday, these special people of being, is actually exists in current human society. All I'm saying is, do not alienated abilities or people with their power. We may freaking out for now, but one day, these people may be able to use their power to stop whatever a real threat outside of our life. I'm not talking about against Ghost or whatever folklore that riding on Earth, I'm talking about against things outside Earth.

So above all this review, I really appreciate and admire all staffs that give their best doing this series. It's not so much of realistic thinking, but the Gist of it, I like them a lot. Thank you all.
